Introduce yourself

Hi Everyone!

I am Mykle. Started with Hamilton STARs ~2007. Cell Culture Media Development on a STARplus… Went to work for Hamilton as a Custom Solutions/Automated Cell Culture System Market Segment Manger. Worked with Brooks and their Celigo Cell imager, Now Nexcelom. Founded a lab automation company. Helped start up a number of high throughput PCR labs during the pandemic. Now a founder and full time guy at Nugget Scientific. Spending our time repairing and servicing Hamilton STARs in the field.

Happy to contribute and learn from the community!



Hi all,

Glad to see an automation forum pop up! Great job to the few folks who started this community. I won’t bother with posting my job title or company (use LinkedIn if you want to) but I have experience with a ton of platforms and applicationsand I’m hoping to contribute more to these forums as time goes on. I’m primarily an expert with FluentControl, EVOware, Venus4, MLPrep, and all the different Kingfisher platforms so let me know if there’s ever anything I can do to help! Soon to add Genie and Dynamic Devices to that list!

P.S. Great to see a lot of folks I’ve worked with before on these forums!


Hi everyone,
Such a cool idea to have a forum for this :slight_smile:
I’m Lachlan originally from Australia but now working in Denmark. I have a background in pharma but I’ve since moved into synbio and I’m now the lead automation scientist at DTU Biosustain. I work on supporting automation and building pipelines in all sorts of synbio research projects, working on everything from the low-cost open source systems (, opentrons) to the higher end stuff (Tecan, Echo etc.).


Hey everyone!

I’m John, and I actually work in lab IT. My professional background is mostly as a service engineer, with my family’s background in software development and IT. I’m still learning all the lab automation possibilities, and I look forward to learning from the many discussions on this board!


Hi All,
My name is Scott Clarkson and I’ve been working with laboratory automation nearly my entire career of ~15 years. I’m currently the automation / screening team lead at Chroma Medicine and have worked at Sana, Novartis, Cubist, and Pfizer in previous roles. I have lots of experience with Biomek, Hamilton, and Analytik Jena instruments as well as big system integrations. I’m passionate about leveraging automation to drive discovery and really excited to have found this forum!



Hi everyone,

I’m Matt Burridge, spent the past 4 years working at OXGENE in the UK as an Automation Scientist focusing primarily on Hamilton STARs. Did a mixed bag of molecular, cell culture and viral assay work, as well as some programmatic infrastructure developments. Recently left to start a PhD at Newcastle University looking at the automation of high-throughput enzyme discovery.

Been lurking since the start so thought it was about time to give an intro, this forums been a great idea so far!


Hi, I am Janet Lin, a senior scientist of vaccine research group at Sanofi. My background is genetics and molecular biology. I’m super excited to learn everything about automation for molecular biology and biochemical works!



My name is Marielle Russo, and I am a graduate student currently rotating in the Sculpting Evolution lab at MIT. My background is in biochemistry, genetics, and molecular biology, including a bit of past work on another open-source lab instrument framework (namely continuous culture with the eVOLVER). I am excited to learn from and hopefully contribute to this community and project!!! :slight_smile:


Hi Everyone,

My name is Aidan Coia and I work in mRNA process development in the Boston area, heavily utilizing automation. Experience with a broad range of liquid handlers but most experience with Hamilton, Tecan and Unchained labs instruments. Would be glad to talk mRNA, downstream process development, automation, or any combination of the 3 - not too much out there on the internet in these fields.

Side note: this forum is easily one of the most helpful sites I’ve ever found for automation tips/troubleshooting - big thanks to the organizers!


Hi everyone,

my Name is Greg, I recently joined a lab automation team for antibody discovery in a pharma company in Switzerland. Formerly I worked at a University automating all sorts of assays in molecular biology, cell culture and screening using mainly Hamilton STARs and Tecan EVOs. We were also teaching students about lab automation on these systems and on a set of Opentrons OT-2s. Now I am exposed to the Beckman FXP/NXP/i7 machines, and I hope to also get some information in this forum. I wish the Beckman part of it was more active already…

Thanks a lot to the creators of this forum - this is a great idea and I hope it will keep growing and develop an active community in all subforums.



@Stefan thanks for pinning this! Definitely missed ‘meeting’ new folks as they joined. :slight_smile:


Hello all,

My name is Ben Thomas, I’m a Senior Automation engineer at HighRes Biosolutions. I’ve been at HighRes for ~5 years deploying our systems and I now specialize in integrating liquid handlers with HRB systems. Along with our liquid handling platform Prime, we integrate with Hamiltons, Tecans, Beckman Biomek/Echo, Agilent Bravo, Dynamic Devices and many more. My goal for the past year or so has been to improve the quality, functionality, and user experience of these integrations. Both for the engineers setting up and maintaining them, as well as the end users.

Excited to see the innovation and collaboration happening here and I will be happy to field questions relating to HighRes Integrations and provide support when I can.



My name is Bradley Bare, I’m a Senior Associate Scientists at Pfizer. I’ve been at Pfizer for ~3 years introducing our company to automation as a side hobby where I focus mainly on Hamilton systems. When I started there was very little automation and it did not have a high confidence among colleague. I actually developed a custom method editing software in Excel so anyone could quickly and easily build a method. This greatly increased automation usage in Pfizer.

I’m here to understand the Python based automation tools available. I’ve personally been working on my software system “PytomatedLiquidHandling” for about 2 years, but want to contribute to the best tool moving forward. I very recently discovered pyHamilton from a colleague who joined our development team. I’m also very interested in pylabrobot so will be most active in that sub forum.
