I am attempting to use worklisting for a Normalization script. I have a worklist with the Source and Diluent Volumes and target labware and well. I am able to load this file into the Convert CSV to GWL function and then successfully Load and Execute the Worklist. However the gwl file that is created for the diluent addition will drop tips between each transfer.
Is there a way to do this and use the same tips for all diluent transfers? And then drop the tips at the end of diluent addition.
I’m able to edit the gwl with a Python script if there is some gwl format that will keep tips on. Or if there is some kind of smart step available to do this that works too. I am using FC 3.1.
The CSV to GWL function sadly auto drops tips from what I’ve been told but you can try creating your own worklist from scratch and keep those tips on (this is more laborious to build) or using the Transfer Individual Volume FCA command which has a simple file format.
I looked at Transfer Individual Volumes but it looks like it only accepts 1 Target labware at a time. I guess I could loop over it and iterate thru an array of Target labwares but I’d like to explore what can be done with .gwl since that might be where to get the most juice from this system is.
Do you or anyone else have an example of what the gwl format is to keep tips on?
For example the Tecan generated format might look like this below. I’ve tried removing the W; after each A and D set, it didn’t like that.
Hey that works, at least in sim. It looks like it will blow out the tips to the Liquid Waste. That’ll work. I was trying all sorts of things with removing the W; and implementing TipMasks. I did get something where it would do Aspirates and Dispenses, no Flush, but it would only use the first tip only.
I have one that I run as an .exe that edits my .gwl file (my .gwl file is always called TEMPORARY_WORKLIST and is located in the same place for simplicity’s sake). It changes ever W to an F except for the last time that specific source is used (for every group of 8, since I use an air FCA). I didn’t mess with tip masks
I write a gwl file through a python script. I use the W; so the flush command is new to me but that’s a cool thing to know. We have an AirLiHa so I don’t know if that’s an option. The way it works is that it queues all the commands before the W; to the first tip. Everything after the W; then gets queued for the next tip. It does this for all 8 tips. Then it executes and starts the process over again with the remaining commands. I add a break statement (B;) to execute everything before the B; in case I don’t need 8 tips so that it won’t execute the second step before it’s done with the first.
This is what the file would look like if you wanted it to only use the first tip:
This is what the file would look like if you wanted it to use the first tip and second tip:
If you wanted to use something other than the first available tip then you can apply tip masks.