Tip Pickup Issues

We purchased Biomek Tips (50µl, 190µl, 1025µl) clear with filter and conductive tips from this company about two years ago, and I’m very happy with the quality. I’ve had no issues using them on the head96 and Span 8 (across 4 Biomek i7 systems).

I’ve attached their website and email for your reference:
Website: www.biosorts.com
Email: Info@biosorts.com

We have started using clear, non-conductive tips from Axygen (Corning subsidiary) which can be found here: Axygen 250uL Tips

We also experimented with Fluotix and got favourable results: Fluotix

I wanted to warn everyone to add Lot# P43606 (manufactured 12/19/2023) to the list of bad lots.

We have had the same issues as before (picking up the whole tip box, pushing it into the plate that pipetting will happen at). It is clear that whatever strategies that Beckman Coulter implemented in Mid-late 2023 were not enough to fully resolve the issue, and that the “safe period” between December 2023 and May 2023 (next reported issue ion the forum) was not as safe as I thought it was.

Since this has gotten to be a longer chain, I think I’ll edit my initial post from June of last year with a table of known lots, so it is easier for people to read and check against. I’ll keep updating it until I see this issue to be fully resolved.

Seems like I can’t update that old of a post, so table is below:

Tip Type Beckman Catalog # Lot # Date of Manufacture (If Known)
BC50F 50 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85888 P27095
BC50F 50 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85888 P28694
BC50F 50 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85888 P30138
BC190F 190 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85911 P36103 12/2021
BC50F 50 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85888 P39304
BC50F 50 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85888 P40179
BC190F 190 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85911 P41003
BC190F 190 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85911 P41796
BC190F 190 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85911 P43606 12/19/2023
BC190F 190 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85911 P44586
BC190F 190 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85911 P44996
BC190F 190 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85911 P45580

I’ll update this if anyone else posts other lots or I see other issues myself.


Honestly that’s insane, awesome job curating the list tho

Update of the table below based on recent testing:

ip Type Beckman Catalog # Lot # Date of Manufacture (If Known)
BC50F 50 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85888 P27095
BC50F 50 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85888 P28694
BC50F 50 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85888 P30138
BC190F 190 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85911 P36103 12/2021
BC50F 50 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85888 P39304
BC50F 50 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85888 P40179
BC190F 190 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85911 P41003
BC190F 190 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85911 P41796
BC190F 190 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85911 P43606 12/19/2023
BC190F 190 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85911 P44586
BC190F 190 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85911 P44996
BC190F 190 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85911 P45580
BC190F 190 ul Sterile Filtered Non Conductive Tips B85911 P46145 09/19/2024
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Imho this is unacceptable for a Company as large as Danahere :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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Not only bad for a large company but also not a good look for the industry.

Scientists carry these experiences with them to other companies and either they avoid this company altogether or they postpone automating processed because of their experiences.

Also you’re effectively doing the quality testing for them, I hope you’re all factoring that into any service contract negotiations or purchases.


I’m still suspecting that the issues I mentioned in this post were also related to tip lots as well as other factors

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