I am trying to use the “MPH_TipCounter_Edit” fill in all the appropriate parameters and when I run the method, receive this error:
I do not know what this error is indicative of. Has anyone experienced this?
I am trying to use the “MPH_TipCounter_Edit” fill in all the appropriate parameters and when I run the method, receive this error:
I do not know what this error is indicative of. Has anyone experienced this?
Hi @Lost_in_Automation ,
That is the error you get when a sequence references a position that the labware doesn’t support. For example, using numeric position ids on a labware that only accepts alpha numeric positions.
I suspect you may have another accidental labware added to your tip sequence that is actually causing this error. I would suggest tracing the tip sequence before this call to see if there is any other labware that shouldn’t be a part of the sequence.
Thank you! This has helped me discover my issue!