Autoload - Container detection issue with tube adapters

Hey friends, I have a method that uses 15 mL conical tubes in a standard 24-position carrier, but the tubes we use require tube adapters that get detected as containers during loading, and these throw barcode reading errors. Currently I work around this by removing any adapters where there aren’t going to be tubes, but we have 8 of these carriers (totaling 192 positions) wed have to insert/remove adapters for between each run. The adapters arent super easy to remove either, I have to use a spare tip to push the carrier’s tongue in and pull the adapter out at the same time, and the end users wont have the supreme dexterity that I have :smiley:
Does anyone know if you can change the container detection to recognize that tube adapters arent tubes so I can just leave all the adapters in?

Please see the thread below for some answers along with some options for you to consider:


Unfortrunate, but very helpful! Thanks as always Eric

I’m not sure if these are set positions between each method, maybe you can sync the positions to be the same between methods so you don’t have to remove adapters? Or if changing the method is not a easy lift, maybe get another set of carriers for the other method?
If it’s a dynamic positioning of the tubes then yeah, not much you can do. :frowning: