It would be amazing if Hamilton could provide a version of HxCfgFilConverter that I can run from the command line to turn binary-encoded files into ascii.
C:\Users\stefa>HxCfgFilConverter.exe deck.lay ascii
It would be amazing if Hamilton could provide a version of HxCfgFilConverter that I can run from the command line to turn binary-encoded files into ascii.
C:\Users\stefa>HxCfgFilConverter.exe deck.lay ascii
It may already be capable of doing this Have you checked the “strings” with something like “Process Explorer”?
I’ve found many command line commands using this method.
Ill check it out!
You can use COM object of HxCfgFil to load, save and manipulate all these file
Also it is a file of dictionary like structure, you can write code to process it
HXCFGFILLib.HxCfgFile has following functions
you can use other functions to read or write value. Use the COM boject you can write a C# app simply with several lines as follow, I also write this tool, you can download it from githup
var cfg = new HxCfgFile();
cfg.StoreFile(@"pcr_L.rck.txt", 0);
cfg.SerializeFile(@"pcr_L.rck.rck", 0);
I am not familiar with python, I tried to write code to use this COM, but failed. I think it is easier for you to do it in python.
import win32com.client
o = win32com.client.Dispatch("HXCFGFILLib.HxCfgFile")
def __convert_to_ascii(file):
process = subprocess.Popen([
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\HAMILTON\\Bin\\HxCfgFilConverter.exe",
See repo for source: GitHub - sniprbiome/PyVenus at d6c05bead1c87d58ee01e7e6645f6a59f2f9a2da
I was going to say the same. Thanks @BirdBare
But nice to know there is a DLL as well.
Has anybody found a way to add the checksum to a file via a DLL? The only way I have found is to use the HSL function in one of the Util libraries.