Axygen 10mL DWP - Labware Definition

I was looking through the Hamilton downloads for this but no dice - does anyone have this Axygen 10mL 24 DWP definition anywhere?

P-DW-10ML-24-C | Axygen® 24-well Clear V-Bottom 10 mL Polypropylene Rectangular Well Deep Well Plate, 5 per Pack, Nonsterile | Corning

I uploaded a definition to the Labware folder here! Enjoy!

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I am hijacking this post to ask about this labware :slight_smile:

I have defined it according to the technical drawing and measurements, but I do see lots of insufficient liquid errors. I can’t simply switch to Aspirate All here so for now I have disabled MAD for the last pipetting step. But I would like to know if there is a way with this labware to minimize the Error 6.

I am aspirating 800 uL per aspiration, but sometimes I see this error also when there is (according to the GetLastLiquidHeight) 1700 left in the tube.

Hi Pascal,

Can you provide your labware definition and example method where the insufficient liquid error is generated?



Hi Eric,

Sorry! I was confused with another labware :slight_smile: It’s the Nunc 5mL tubes.