Alright everyone - need some help figuring out what in the world is going on with our ODTC now. We’re getting error messages related to repeated/concurrent commands being sent to the ODTC as soon as it attempts to initialize, and the trace suggests that it can’t connect to/get a response from the device IP address at all. The IP address we have in the method itself (and in all of the ODTC steps that ask for the IP) is the same as the IP address listed on the side of the device, so I’m not really sure what’s causing the issue. Any help would be appreciated
I wonder if you have to do initialize before you call get status.
Separately, Inheco has a program called “Device Manager” use that to connect to your ODTC and check that the IP address you’re using is correct.
Hi @HamiltonUser ,
What is the PC’s IP address?
Control Panel → Network and Internet → Network and Sharing Center → Ethernet Properties → Internet Protocol Version 4
It looks like there are two, there is both a wi-fi connection IPv4 address and an ethernet connection IPv4 address. As far as I can tell, the wi-fi connection is what the PC is using for internet access
Hi @HamiltonUser ,
The ODTC is the Ethernet connection IPv4.
If you didn’t fix the IP on the ODTC and is using a DNS server, the ODTC may change address on reboot. The ODTC manual describes how to fix the IP address.
Okay. I tried using the IPv4 address listed there, but continue to get the same error messages/abort reason as described in my original post
I tried using the device finder as described in the ODTC manual to find the IP address of the device, but nothing comes up on the application when I boot the ODTC while having the device finder active.
Hi @HamiltonUser ,
The IP address on the computer needs to be the same subnet as the ODTC, but not exactly the same. For example:
Typically the ODTC IP is : This is the value that you use on the library to connect to the ODTC. The PC’s IP needs to be 192.168.1.## where ## is any number except for 50.
not sure if this would help, but I could never get our OTDC to work with the static IP recommended as . It might have worked a while ago when ODTC was connected via the router but not since the router was ditched in favour of direct ethernet connection between ODTC and PC.
We managed to get PC and ODTC communicating using dynamic 169.254.###.## address. I can’t remember now where I got the actual numbers from - it would either be Windows network tools or one of the ODTC small apps. Google search says that 169.254 is a private IP address that the device automatically assigns itself when it can’t get a valid IP from the router’s DHCP. This approach worked for us, might be worth giving it a go?
The ethernet cable for direct connection should be a crossed cable, I think. Let me know if you want to try this, I will double check with out IT guru.
There are a few tricks you can do to make the ODTC work on your network setup
At the controllerbox (That slim blue thingie) you can find a micro-SD slot, shutdown your ODTC and Pop-out the SD card and fine a PC that has a slot to read it. You can see the logfiles here too. Create a file with the following name “NetworkReset”
Put the SD back and bootup the ODTC. Your network settings are reverted.
From Hamilton you can get the ODTC manager, obtain this. Now look for the ODTC and check what the IP is. This can be done via the finder. You’ll either ind it in the 192.168 range or 169.254 range. Which is an address fromwindows that can be translated as “I give up, here have an address”.
Set your PC to be in the same subnet and give it an IP that is NOT the same, but similar. If you see as an IP, give your PC the or something. Reboot the ODTC for good measure and your PC. Now IP settings are set. However, it’s not a nice one. So open the ODTC manager again and set your IP settings to the ODTC you prefer ( and for DNS you can leave it empty (We do not browse the internet on the ODTC anyway)
After this is done, wait a minute. Reboot your ODTC. Set your PC’s network back to the normal settings (Subnet of ODTC must be the same and IP must be in the same range)
Never have I ever failed in setting up an ODTC. And I did setup a minium of 40 the past years. It’s always network connection or IP miscommunicating.
@Hamilton user:
I hope you solved your issue with our device. If not feel free to contact and we can start solving your issues.
Best Regards
INHECO Techhotline
As most PCs have Auto-MDIX (Automatic Medium-Dependent Interface Crossover) capabilities, a cross cable is not needed, this is a great point though as most older systems did need a crossover cable to communicate as certain input output connection lines were switched in the RJ-45 (T-568B) pinnout standard…
No special ethernet/network cables are needed for direct connection to the PC!