Do you know where the teachpoints for the Bravo are stored? From reading the documents online, it looks like it’s an XML file somewhere but I searched through both VWorkspace folder and Agilent folder in Program Files (x86), there is nothing that resembles that file. I don’t know if its stored in a sql somewhere? The goal is to back up those teachpoints in case they are changed on accident.
Agilent VWorks stores teachpoints in the registry, IIRC. Check under HKEY local/software. All of the profile information should be located there.
@chuongtran Look in the Registry: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Velocity11\Bravo2\Profiles
Each profile should have there own teachpoints.
Best practice is to export the whole Velocity11 folder from the registry. Then you have the backup not only of the profiles with teachpoints, but also of the liquid library and labware library. Just keep in mind that only thing which is not there for some reason are pipette techniques.
We were using this technique to keep all our Bravo’s up to date with the labware and liquid classes, so there were no clashes when a protocol was used on another Bravo then it was created on.
Sounds like you have an Agilent build of VWorks, but just in case anyone has a Bionex build of VWorks, they actually moved all the velocity11 registry files into a windows directory in “program data”. All the registry entries are stored .dat files. This is typically for newer builds on Windows 10.
@Robotech87 Do you happen to have a copy of the Bionex version of VWorks you can share?
Do you just want the version/build number for the Bionex Vworks or the actual installer? I am sorry to say that I can’t give you the software itself, that would be against my company’s policy. I don’t wanna risk my job, ya know. I can however, help with any other vworks related questions. I’m the vworks guy in my lab.
@Robotech87 All good. No worries.
@Robotech87 FYI in VWorks 14 we have moved all data from the registry to either the file system (standard version) or an hidden database (compliant version). Unfortunately it is not free anymore.