Hello everyone,
Im thinking of ways of how to improve NGS library prep protokol on Agilent Bravo and adding a dispenser could save a lot of tips and user interaction. I found people on this forum have generally positive views on D2 from UK robotics, which is also tiny enough that I could most likely fit it directly on deck
Have anyone tried putting it on Bravo deck already?
Does anyone have experience dispensing magnetic beads with D2? I think there is some solution for beads and cells for Certus Flex, but Im not sure if it is applicable to D2
Another thing is that the two valves are quite limiting - ideally I would dispense milliq and etoh from flasks, and beads and adaptor solution from syringe. Can someone comment on how convenient/unconvenient it is to swap syringes in the middle of a protocol?
Do you think a multi-way valve could be used for switching between bulk solutions ?
Thanks a lot