Error messaging by email

Althogh i am not new to Venus i am new to this forum, so i am sorry if this issue already discussed.

I wish to get the automatic error messages from Venus directly to my Gmail.

I understand that only Venus 6 supports the smtp server definition, so i am using MailAlert as a software to be executed upon error , since i am running Venus 4.

When using MailAlert on the Shell command it works but when i tried to configure it under the system configuration i don’t get anything.

Can you please advise how the MailAlert should be configured under the Venus System Configuration?

Thanks for your support

Hello Elad,
WE use mail sending in venus 4 all the time and it works great. I am not sure what you mean by it is not supported. WE set up the smtp in the venus system config. This will depend on your company server setting. we had to work with our IT to set it up. it works great. @EricSindelar_Hamilton : May be you know what is the default for gmail

I believe some of this information can be found over in the thread below. If not, please let me know!: