The PC attached to our Hamilton STAR stopped working last week and our IT team was able to get a new PC up and running which was backed up with everything from the old hard drive.
I have no issues opening the Hamilton Method Editor, but when I try to open any method I get an error that says “Class not registered” and I’m not really sure what that means. Does anyone know what this error is or how to resolve it? Thanks!
It appears that your IT simply copied all the files/directories from the hard drive to the new PC, however that means none of the programs were properly installed. The good news is your methods are preserved, but you will need to run the VENUS installation to register all the relevant files. Afterwards it should work again.
Note: If the new PC is Windows 11 that will require VENUS 6 which also would require firmware upgrades on your STAR if you were running < VENUS 5.
That error happened because the Liquid Class editor failed to be registered. This usually happens when group policies deny registry access to the installer or a Firewall interferes. Unfortunately, you will have to uninstall Venus 4 and SQL server to try again since your install made it partly through. You need to ensure you have full admin access and run the installer as admin to ensure proper installation.
Okay - we got the “class not registered” error sorted with re-installation and are now seeing other errors. One seems to be related to invalid file names, this appears for multiple things including what’s pictured below (core grip tool location). Is this happening because the re-installation was not completely successful, or is this because not all files were copied to the new PC from the old PC? Thanks for all of your help so far Brandon!
Those missing files are optional files that are selected during the standard installation process. The window pops at the end after the Desktop is populated with the VENUS shortcuts. The files are optional, but are commonly used default files so typically all Libraries and Labware (not including Old Labware) are selected to install along with the rest of the software.
The files can be selected for installation after the install is complete by opening Method Editor, going to the Tools menu, and selecting “Hamilton Support Software…”
After a few moments, a new window will pop up that has a tree of items to select from. I suggest selecting all of the Libraries and Labware items by unchecking then checking the parent branch for each (note, VENUS 6 automatically selects a subset of the HSL Libraries):
You’ll notice in this list are the two items missing from your post: Labware State under Libraries, and CO-RE Grip under Labware.
That resolved most of the issues, but there’s one error message that’s still popping up. Its the tip carrier that we use, TIP_CAR_480_STF_A00. I unchecked/checked “Labware” in the support software which is what I assume this carrier would be under. Any thoughts why this isn’t popping up in the labware broswer/on our deck after doing the above fix?
I’ll let Dan speak to this, but in the past when we have been missing labware during a PC re-install/setup we would have to copy that .tml file over from another system/location to the file path shown in the error. Hoping that helps!
@Kastronaut is correct, the best way to resolve this type of issue is to carry over the missing labware files from another computer/previous install and place in the directory listed in the error. Package files in which the “original Hamilton files” were exported can also resolve this as long as “Import original Hamilton files” is selected during the Import process on the “Import Modes” window.
All that said, this labware definition in particular can also be added using the Hamilton Software Support tool. This definition is found in the “Old Labware” section at the bottom of the list, in particular under “Old Tip Carriers”.
I typically don’t add the “Old Labware” on an install, but it’s there for backwards compatibility purposes. There isn’t a downside to adding all of the “Old Labware” other than crowding the Labware folder and the Labware menu when building a Deck Layout.
This time it’s when I was going to actually water test our main method, it seems to be some sort of firmware error that I’m getting. I’ve never seen this one before, and not sure what version it’s wanting me to be using?
Would you be able to upload a run trace from when the error occurred as well as a communication trace from the day the error occurred? The communication trace will be in the following location:
One of the firmware modules downloaded onto the components of your STAR is not compatible with the expected compatibility list for the version of VENUS which was (re)installed. It is likely that one or more firmware modules were upgraded on your STAR prior to the PC failure and VENUS reinstallation. When this occurs, the firmware compatibility list is updated by service to allow for the system to run without error.
Thanks Nick. Both files have been uploaded. The run aborted with the above message as soon as run control was opened with the live method, so it’s pretty short!
Thanks for the prompt file upload. Can you please confirm the version of VENUS installed? If there is any doubt in exact version you can run the following application.
Thanks Nick, that would be great. Now that I know how to quickly access VENUS version, in the future, would there be any way for me to quickly check which version/firmware the STAR itself is running?