Experienced automation specialist proficient in multiple platforms

Hi all! I’ve been working with liquid handlers for about a decade now and spent the last 3+ years scripting and installing applications on them full-time. I’m looking for a lab in the greater Atlanta area, or a remote development position with no more than about 25% travel.

My last position was with Tecan Genomics. They sell reagent kits and offered free or discounted automation support to high-throughput customers, regardless of the brand of instrument they had. As a result, I got the chance to learn and successfully install applications on Fluent, Biomek, Sciclone, Zephyr, and Bravo. At this point, learning a new automation platform feels more like a fun challenge than a daunting task. And, after becoming comfortable with the systems, I’ve got a good record of creating value-added tools without being asked, like a spreadsheet macro that creates reagent recipe workbooks, an MCA tip re-racking method for Fluent, and a utility that sets the available tips in a Biomek tip box on the fly (this last one is posted here on the forum if you’d like to take a look).

I was sad to leave that job, but the position was eliminated in the post-COVID correction. Please reach out with any leads!