Flow Cytometers

Hi all,
We are looking to integrate a HT flow cytometer. What is your experience with the iQue, MACSQuant, Z5, others?
Happy for any input, thanks!

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We have plans to integrate a Beckman Cytoflex on a HighResBio workcell, but haven’t made it that far yet. I’d also like to hear about these other Flow options if anybody has integrated them with automation.

I did integrate the iQue on a Biosero platform before which worked very well. Nice fast and sensitive system with very intuitive HT software. Now with a different assay and new instruments on the market I would like to re-evaluate our options though.
What did you like about the Cytoflex?

We have several Cytoflex in the lab already. Not sure why they chose that instrument exactly and I’m not sure what it has that other flow cytometers don’t (or vise versa).

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Which are the new instruments on the market?

I was not at SLAS so I’m curious.

Me neither, unfortunately, that’s why I am screening here :wink:

Curious, did you integrate the iQue3?

If so, do you have any pro’s or con’s?

We built our system in 2018, I think at that time it was still the iQue2 but am not quite sure. Integration was fast forward with Biosero and the instrument is very user-friendly and fast, really optimized for HT format and low volumes (we used it for limited patient material). Maintenance is straight forward; no sincere clogging issues and the lasers seem to be quite stable as well. I didn’t have hands-on over the last three years though, so I don’t know how things developed from here.
If I have to name one downside then it would be the integration of EssenBioscience into Sartorius, where a lot of the original instrument competence and care got lost in transition.

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Yes I want to evaluate the iQue3 because it can potentially serve multiple purposes.

And interesting point about the software, I would hope that they’ve made improvements since the iQue2 but maybe not…

Don’t get me wrong, the software is very nice and user-friendly. It is optimized for plate format, which makes the data evaluation more straight forward than with traditional flow softwares.
I was referring more to the service and competence level of Sartorius, but this might have been area specific and/or a problem of the transition.

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one of the huge drawbacks with the iQue is its ability to handle clogs. It requires new probe and tubing for every clog. Yes it is fast, but it does require a lot of hands on time.
We’ve got one on our integrated system and every time it is running overnight, the next more is a gamble if it actually completed or plates need to be reran.
I would lean more toward the thermo fisher’s Attune personally, it might be a bit slower, but requires way less hands on time, and is overall more reliable device.

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Which version of the iQue do you have?

3, we’ve got a couple of them too

I’m new to the Flow world, how often do you get clogs?

if we’re running mildly sticky cells, pretty consistently. We’ve started filtering our cells first, which has helped quite a bit

Interesting stress test for the system to run it on slightly sticky cells and overnight! We didn’t see major clogging issues, but will run more sticky cells in the future. Did you test the Attune on these cells as well?

yeah, the attune had no problem with the same cells. -the attune has a built in acoustic focusing mechanism (resonator) that can break up the clogs.
the other thing to keep in mind is with HT, you need to have the bigger wastes and fluids. the Satorious comes with hefty price tag.


Yes it is the iQue Screener Plus (so iQue2) on the system you set up :slight_smile:
For our cells the clogs are thankfully rare - but they can happen. So I do not run overnight. As they are live stained, having the cells sit O/N without being run due to a clog in an earlier plate, means they are kind of useless.
If it is fixed cells then you can run them the next day. Not optimal but doable.
Software is really top notch though :wink: