Fluent Control VB Compiler

I put together a compiler of sorts for VB.Net on the Tecan Fluent.


  1. Compiling your scripts in Fluent Control is not efficient or a great experience
  2. An actual IDE Experience
  3. Intellisense
  4. CoPilot - Optional As an Extension
  5. You deserve a better tool that allows you to iterate a lot faster
  6. Because why not?

Any interest?


This sounds very interesting, I have to agree that using Fluent Control to run the code is not a great experience. I’m not very experienced in writing VB.Net and having your code not compile with no good suggestions is very frustrating


this sounds awesome - tell me more!!

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This is my boat as well. I’ve dabbled in VB and VB.Net primarily for EVOs and Fluents, but it’s not exactly straightforward for an amateur. A compiler tailored for the Fluent would be lovely.

In other words, interested!

definitely interested