Fluent MCA Stamping Column Selection

I am trying to do a simple stamp of 96 samples from one plate to another. Previously I have just been using the MCA for reagent transfer.

When I pickup 96 tips and then select the plate and wells, FC 3.5 indicates 2 aspirations from column 1 and 0 from column 12. During execution there is no issue and the plate is successfully stamped. I shrugged this off as a software bug initially, but the sample tracking report reflect the double transfer in column 1.

If I indicate 11 columns of tips (1-11) there is no issue. I’ve also confirmed the teach point is good and the little red dot is in the middle well.

Is this a labware definition issue, or do I have a setting incorrect for the MCA?


What’s under the Advanced section of the top Aspirate command?

Does it occur for any 96 well plate labware definition or only for this specific labware type?

Check the X & Y Teaching Positions for Well 1 vs. Well 96 (delta of shown x/y values divided by 11 well gaps in x direction and divided by 7 well gaps in y direction) nicely result with an exact 9mm spacing per well so it matches the 9mm spacings of the MCA channels

This was the solution thanks!

I was so focused on the y-spacing that I’m used to worrying about for the FCA (and has a handy graphic) that I neglected manually checking the x spacing.

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