FluentControl Script Version Variable and Locking Liquid Classes

I’m in the middle of a system validation for GMP use, and I want Key Operators to be able to edit liquid classes during development of new scripts and then lock them once the method is validated. Only IT/Admin should be able to unlock, or at least require an electronic signature to make changes. Is this possible in FC?

I would also like to pull the script version # into the run report. Any advice here? There are existing commands for scriptname() and currentuser() that are helpful, but this would be nice to prove to QA that no changes have been made. People are used to seeing this information from our Hamilton MLP run reports.

(FC v3.5)

Electronic Signatures are a function one can turn on somewhere in the User Management Settings.

There is also a feature called Method Approval (Configure System → Application settings) that may be helpful. If items are changed, the item gets flagged ; one could remove the right to run not approved methods for specific user groups.

Thanks, I’ll definitely be making use of this.

I’m also hoping to build some additional safeguards so that edits to assets that would affect approved methods are flagged. At the moment when a change is made to a labware or liquid class that would affect an approved method there is no popup or confirmation to warn of this outcome.

There is a way to find the script number.
Go to “C:\ProgramData\Tecan\VisionX\DataBase\SystemSpecific\LiquidClasses”
Show FluentControl Name by right clicking the windowheader:
Show FluentControl Name: (may be under more)
Now you can see the script name and open the right one
Here you can find the name of the Liquid class and the dataVersion

Same info can be found in scripts in this path:


With Method Approval the changes in objects are flagged with a little red or yellow dot on the script/method icon in the control bar or the method list in TouchTools. If I remember correct, a red dot on the icon means this object itself has changed (i.e. script lines of a script), whereas a yellow dot means a dependable object has been changed (i.e. labware definition or liquid class used in that script has been changed)

And depending on user management rights of the logged user ‘run unapproved methods’ the user may not even be able to see or access the methods/scripts that are flagged with the colored dots on the icon.

So it is kind of flagged, but not with a pop-up as far as I remember

Thanks both for the help. I think a combination of both the specific dataVersion from the database and the release method workflow will help appease our quality concerns.