We have several chemistry labs looking for glass reservoirs, and I can’t seem to find a solution anywhere? Does anyone have a supplier/workaround for this?
What are the use cases here that necessitate glass reservoirs?
What kind of glass reservoir? I’ve seen folks 3D print their own SBS footprint holders for glass containers.
They are using some pretty nasty chemicals that melt plastic and corrode metal. They’d like to use this to explore HT catalytic rxns.
This is exactly what I recommended- buy some type of glass container smaller than SBS on Amazon and print a holder… was hoping there may be something out there that already exists, though!
Sadly I feel like I’ve seen vendors TRY to move away from glass but would be awesome if someone points out that it exists.
In past we got fluidx tubes and 300ml reserviour glass coated from inside for some buffers nad chemistry. that worked very well.
Thanks, Kalpesh, I’ll give them that option too!
Not glass, but Clickbio makes custom reservoirs out of several different plastics. They even have a PEEK reservoir. Depending on the type of reactions you’re looking to do, you could perhaps have the correct plastic that is resistant whatever chemicals being used?