Grayed out regions of deck after importing method

After importing a method from an i5 to i7 I have discovered that a portion of the deck layout is grayed out. I’m guessing this has something to do with a difference in instrument files between the two devices (I exported the method from the i5 to a new project on the i7).

I’m able to place some labware from the imported method in deck positions P19-P27 without throwing an error during compiling. However, if I move a reagent trough onto any of those positions I get an “position not found” error during the compile. This error occurs where a transfer from file step is used and references the trough ( named “TE and Pico”, in the screenshot)

Is there away to correct this without using a new deck definition?

Do you have an instrument setup step somewhere? If so, there is an option akin to something like “apply to current deck” with an associated dropdown menu for all available decks.