Hi everyone,
I hope this lands in the correct category of the board. If not please relocate it.
I recently was asked to design a screening platform for one of our assays.
I do have quite some experience with liquid handlers and such and tried to soak up everything there is about robotics, schedulers and automation but came to a point where I could really need more input from you guys having the full experience already.
The workflow is as simple as it gets for an assay:
- take compound plates
- spin down and peel
- prepare single dose or dose reponse assay ready plates using an Echo dispenser
- add protein of interest with a dispenser eg MD, Certus
- seal
- shake
- incubate RT
- read plate
I would prefer to not need to program/code anything (unless you say this is inevitable) and would love a good scheduling software.
I had a look at Beckmans Access Workstation with TEMPO scheduler (looks dated - hasn’t evolved much since I was in touch with Labcyte back then, no user levels, not a real scheduler but this wouldn’t be a huge deal for us with just one assay anyway, may have the edge with controlling the Echo?).
HighRes Biosolutions with Cellario (looks good, has user levels, good scheduling functions and plenty of installations everywhere around the globe but that comes at a price) and also
Biosero with Green Button Go (I barely find infos, images, videos about installation on the web and the only time I had contact with Bico was back then when a super agressive sales guy wanted to sell me an IDOT but I’d be willing to give them another chance so what are they about?).
And of course there is Analytik Jena, Automata, Thermo FS with Momentum and many more.
I think any robot like a PF400 or the newer C3 from brooks will do. We would need 1 - 2 tables as well but that is it.
Any thoughts on this? Money of course is an issue. Prices for the Echo have been out of control recently and unfortunately we can’t use any of the existing ones for this setup.
I’d love to have some input from you guys working with any of those integrators already. I really appreciate it.