Is There A Way to Centralize Updates on Tecans?

I was wondering if I could ask how/if there’s a way to update multiple Tecans at once? For example, w/ imports of updated LCs or a way to mass import to Tecans? Please let me know if the question doesn’t make sense.

The stored files are XML’s so theoretically yes there is a way to “mass import”. Also the .ZEIA file you get from an export is just a .ZIP file. It’s been a while but back in the day, I made a Python script to comb through the LC files and generate a “fixed” version (there was a bug with the way the XML’s were constructed that did not play well with a later version of FC.) Once I fixed the LC file, I was able to reboot it and only had to reverify the checksum I believe.

I recommend trying it in a VM.

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Do you know how many XML’s correspond to 1 liquid class? Also, do you know how the Tecan retrieves the data from the XML’s? I was hoping to build a backup for all of our liquid classes on a separate computer from the Tecan any recommendations?

it’s 1 x file per liquid class (.xlqc file) for FluentControl
EVOware is a little different

files are located in C:\ProgramData\Tecan\VisionX\DataBase\SystemSpecific\LiquidClasses

is the question regarding EVOware or FluentControl ?

sadly, most information is housed locally - it is possible to file update across multiple systems but this would be a uniquely customized configuration and not supported by Tecan

we manage clients with 50+ instruments and the “rollout/deployment” process is not pretty as it typically requires individual “imports” per system for some components & over-writing/update/addition for ancillary code to folders “locally”


It’s for FluentControl, so there is no way to change the directory that FluentControl looks in easily?

I was hoping to build a backup for all of our liquid classes

You still could but you want to unit test how well or easy it is to swap those files around

Makes sense, thank you for the help!

Let us know how it goes. Cheers!

Can you go into more detail about what you mean by “update”? What’s the scenario? Did you change a method/script on one fluent and want to populate those changes (such as LCs) across multiple fluents running the same script?

Are you also talking about mass software updates when updates become available? The introspect software can do that

Did you change a method/script on one fluent and want to populate those changes (such as LCs) across multiple fluents running the same script?

Yes exactly! We are not referring to software updates here.