eBay Lab Equipment Sale
Link to active items on auction hex-07 on eBay
Inheco Incubator Shaker DWP
- Price: $600 (Buy It Now)
- Starting Auction Price: $460
Meniscense Optical Interferometry Liquid Volume Measurement System
- Price: $2000 (Buy It Now)
- Starting Auction Price: $1,200
Hamilton [MPE]2™ with Add-On Reagent Module Plus FIVE Reagent Holders
- Price: $2,678 (Buy It Now)
- Starting Auction Price: $2,060
I.DOT Liquid Handler - Efficient, Sustainable, and Precise Non Contact Dispenser
- Price: $9,750 (Buy It Now)
- Starting Auction Price: $7,500
BioSpot BiofluidiX Non-Contact Dispensing System
Starting Auction Price: $8,500.00