Labware: APE carrier and RGT Carrier

Hi all,
I can’t find these carriers (APE_carrier with 5 DWP module_APER3871) and RGT_Car5X50J RR202521) in the labware tab for venus 4. I’m new to this. Any help is appreciated.


Hi LabRx,

I’ve posted some tools and libraries on the repository here.

I hope this helps!


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Apologies for bumping this up a year later @EricSindelar_Hamilton :sweat_smile:

I am not sure if I am missing something but how do I use the Multiflex Carrier Assistant? I downloaded it and see that there’s additional files in the LabWare folder but I am not sure how to utilize the .x and .jpg files. I read elsewhere that there is a GUI but I cannot find said GUI?

Any help is appreciated,


There should be a desktop shortcut that’s created, but if not, then please check the Hamilton\Bin folder for an application called: LabwareAssistant3D.exe. That is the MultiFlex Carrier Assistant UI that you can use to build Multiflex carriers.

Please note that in VENUS 6, the this functionality is built in to the new Labware Editor so you don’t need to run a separate installer.

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Thank you! Works like a charm :smile: It did not create a desktop shortcut and the name of the application was different than I expected, so I couldn’t pinpoint it lol

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Hello here, first time poster.

Tangentally related Eric, do you happen to have a labware definition for a Thermo Fisher Microamp Enduraplate (a half skirted PCR plate). I reached out to Hamilton and they were able to give me the dimensions of the plate as well so if there is also a tool on the Venus 4 software I may be able to recreate the labware myself.



I uploaded the definition to the Labware folder - see here for a direct link. It’s an older definition but should at the very least serve as a good starting point.

All versions of VENUS have a Labware Editor that allows one to create and modify labware definitions. The programmer’s manual has a section on defining labware.

I hope this helps!


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Hi Eric,

Thanks for this! We are waiting for the MFX PCR module to be shipped to us, but the tools that are here will help when we create the carrier. I’m reviewing the manual now so that we can make adjustments as necessary to the labware that you’ve provided.

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