Library for re-racking of tips in partially filled racks?

Does anyone know of a library that can help with re-racking of tips on deck? (i.e. consolidating partially full racks). We often have racks with a just a few tips, and dont want to manually move them due to contamination concerns. We use an MPH, and often have 10+ partially used racks with <16 tips in each, at the end of the run. In total, I have 18 racks of tips on deck, 3 different tip types.
I wrote a method that will re-rack the tips, but it’s slow because it works one rack at a time, because I’m not very confident at VENUS (venus 4). Essentially, I treat each rack independently. The user states the location of tips in one source rack, and tips in one destination rack - and the starlet then moves them to an empty location in the destination rack. I assume other labs must face the same issues, and so perhaps there is a library for this?

Check out this thread with some approaches you can implement!


You need the STAR-Tools suite build by Brandon Bare.

Some say he lives, breaths and eats Venus.


Wow - just took a look and they are great (for this and a few other things!). Really appreciate the feedback.

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