Library for SpectraMax i3x (Molecular Devices) using Hamilton STAR

Hi all,

does anybody know if there is a library to operate a SpectraMax i3x (SoftMaxPro V7, Molecular Devices) using Hamilton STAR with VENUS 4.6.

I would be happy about any information regarding library commands and possible return values (e.g. plate is inserted)

Additional question, does anybody know if the SoftMaxPro software has to be installed on the Hamilton PC or if the VENUS software could operate SoftMaxPro on an sepearte PC via the network.

Thanks for your answers,

we use the driver for spectraMax in venus 4 for almost 2 years. there driver is good. i was using softMax pro on the same venus computer. I never tried the different computer

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Yes, you need SoftMax pro and the driver from Hamilton both installed. The driver/HSL Library utilize SoftMax Pro’s automation mode to interact with the plate reader

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