Liquid class microscript programming absolute z move if LLD fails

Hi All,
I’ve been playing around with microscripts in two liquid classes - a duplicated Water_Mix liquid class and a duplicated Water_Free_Single liquid class. I want to add an option to aspirate 1mm from the bottom of the plate if LLD fails for any reason. I don’t see any obvious commands to enable this. Does anyone have advise on how to script this?

DETECTED_VOLUME would likely = -1 if there was a failure, but I’m not positive. I’d look into that command in the help manual for more info.

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This request can be handled with error handling,

Use the FCA command “LLD Error Handling” in your script to tell the FCA to “aspirate anyway” for liquid detection errors (aspirate)

this will instruct system to aspirate from the defined Z max height in the labware

if you define the Zmax height as ~1 mm above bottom of the tube/well, you should be good to go

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@Optimize “Use the FCA command “LLD Error Handling” in your script to tell the FCA to “aspirate anyway” for liquid detection errors (aspirate)”

Be careful with the command though. From what I understand from Tecan this command changes the setting of FCA error handling on the Fluent from that point onwards and remembers the settings (even in other scripts)

If you indeed need to change these settings for a specific moment in the script then make sure to add another line to revert the changes to the original settings when they are no longer needed.

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yes - you are correct

i should have said this impacts from the line of script till it is deactivated

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@Optimize @dirkvanessen this is very helpful! thanks.

If I set the error handling in the microscript of my liquid class to “aspirate anyway” then will it also aspirate from Z_max if LLD fails and not need to be deactivated?