Method Editor Corrupted File - Recovery Possible?

I was programming in the method editor and then randomly got this error:

So I saved the method and closed it thinking it was a method editor issue and now I am trying to reopen the .med file and getting this error notification (“Unable to find a Data Definition whose name and instance match HxPars and 369094d6_563a_4fe4_86546d0755536968 respectively.”):

Is there any way to recover the work that I had done? I am able to open the .hsl file but don’t know how to convert that into .med, if at all possible.

Hi @andrea,

Unfortunately this is an issue that can pop up from time to time when programming in Method Editor, and is resolved by restoring the method from a backup. Here is a link to a post with a similar issue and some additional information: [Solved] Check sum verification of file failed - #8 by DanHartman_Hamilton

Thank you,

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