Is the integration possible for the ML Prep?
Is the integration possible for the ML Prep?
Hey @luisvillaautomata, what sort of integration are you looking for?
If you are looking at having the PREP integrate with an external instrument, it can’t do that. (The pipetting channel/arms only reach inside the system–no iSWAP or Track Gripper options on the PREP)
The PREP can have an Hamilton Heater Shaker (HHS) integrated on-deck, and it can have mag blocks on deck. Externally you can use a manual barcode scanner.
Hope that helps, but send more details over about what you are thinking and I can speak to the specifics
Basically being able to trigger a protocol from an external software or setup.
I think longterm being able to put integrate into a larger setup is the goal.
The best answer I have is that the product management/software development team has it on their radar for a future update–no promises or ETA on that though.
I’ve got a standing call where I bring up field/customer requested features, and I’ll bring this one back up to keep it on the radar. Originally the thought with the PREP was that it was going to be a completely locked down software (ala Apple), but as it’s been in the field for a few years, we’ve been getting more requests for API/backend access. It’s definitely on the list!
Personally, I want to see a VANTAGE using the track gripper to pass plates down to a couple of PREPs located in the B cabinet…
To circle back on this, don’t hold your breath. For now, API access is not the route we’re going with the PREP. The software/system was designed to be stand alone. Something may change in the future (and I bring it up when labs ask for it!) but it’s not currently in the plans.