Moving lids on a Bravo

Hi All,
When using a Bravo w/out a Benchel, how would one ask the gripper to move a lid from a reservoir, briefly store it on another DW labware, then put it back to the reservoir? ‘Delid’ does not work unless a platepad has been designated as an accessory/lid hotel, but I would like to use the DW plate that the lid would be stored on. I have each LW defined as ‘can be lidded’, mounted and dismounted, and also a lid labware defined.

Mmh, you cannot use delid without a lid hotel, but you can fake a lid with a shallow plate on a DW plate using stacks. Check out the video at this link.

The trick is creating a plate whose geometry is such as to make the shallow plate behave as lid when downstacked to another position:

I can share a test protocol if you are interested.

Another possibiity is to use the mount/unmount tasks, but those ones works well when you first need to mount a plate on another. It is typically used for placing filter plates on DW plates.

Thank you, Mauro, you’ve gone above and beyond with this explanation. I came up with a similar work-around, and the same conclusions regarding delidding and mount/unmounting. Sharing your script and LW definitions would be great! For those unfamiliar with the down- and upstacking on a Bravo, remember to bring the scan stack function(s) into the startup protocol:)