New labware not snapping to carrier

Whenever I create new rack definitions I always have to select type “Microtiter plate” instead of “Regular rectangular rack” for these to to snap to the carriers. This is all good as long as the plate has 96/384/1536 positions. But I have a need for 24/48 plate definitions and getting these to snap to a carrier would be nice.
Any ideas to get “Regular rectangular rack” definitions to snap to plate carriers the same way as titer plates.


For the plate labware to snap to a site, the outer dimensions of the rack must be 127 x 86mm to match the same settings as the site defined for the plate carrier. The microtiter plate option in the editor is hardcoded to those values but the rectangular rack gives you the option for further customization.

This is also why you can’t snap a tip rack onto a default plate carrier definition as the tip rack dimensions are set to 122.4 x 82.6mm.


Thank you for the swift reply. To be frank I’ve been in touch with Hamilton support concerning this issue but they thought it was a setup issue, which in a way it is.
I’ll give it a try and change the OD in my definition.

Big thank you for the help.

Well that didn’t work, still no snapping. =(

Hi @henrikvestin_ubb ,

I can see how that can be confusing. The Rack Geometry is used by the CORE Grips to automatically determine grip width based on height. So, you can put actual measurements for the upper and lower segments of the plate.

The measurement that pertains to snapping is located within the Rectangular Boundary Measurements window.


Ahh, that did the trick!
Thank you both for your help!

Kind regards one happy camper! :slight_smile: