I am having a lot of issues getting started with Pyhamilton. I have a lot of experience using Hamiltons as a tech and am now working on creating my own methods using Pyhamilton. My first goal was just to replicate some methods just to get my software working. I am following a guide for a checkerboard dispense via youtube -
I got my software to mostly work, however, when I run it the method basically just ends. I don’t see the checkerboard being made (or simulated) in my deck layout. Theres also not a finished product, just my tip and plate carriers.
I am wondering if there is some setting i’m not aware of, that shows the simulated method as it’s working? I have basically copied and pasted the same code that was shown in the youtube video (changing only file location/name parameters/etc.)
Any help or any hints on where to find a good newbie guide would be most appreciated.