On deck 2D tube barcode reader for SBS racks

Interested to know if anyone has integrated SBS rack tube 2D barcode readers onto the deck of their liquid handler, particularly Hamilton STARline liquid handlers. I’ve seen, but not tried the easyCode carrier from Hamilton. Otherwise the ones I’ve been looking at either have a footprint that would take multiple deck spaces (e.g. AlteRead SBS rack camera - AltemisLab) or are smaller footprint but very tall (e.g. https://biotools.com.au/product/fluidx-perception-whole-rack-readers/)

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Hi Roooo,

I’ve integrated the easyCode onto the Hamilton Star. It’s a pretty large carrier and takes up space. It reads 2D barcodes well and you can get the easyCode with a 1D barcode reader option for the barcodes on the tube rack. The iSWAP was primarily used to transport the rack on and off the reader position.

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The nice thing about the EasyCode is that the data are instantly available in VENUS and you don’t have to read external files for that information processing.

The DataPaq is just slightly bigger than the rack itself and may fit easier on the deck of a Hamilton. Likely would need a custom carrier to integrate but perhaps they have already done that.


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had success with KODA Sense

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