Passing sequence to submethod

Hey all,

I’m developing a method and my problem is that there are many variables/possibilities in order to execute the method.

I do not want to make several sub-methods for each case, so I was wondering if I could pass sequences to a sub-method in an elegant way.

The sequences to be passed can be located on different racks. They consist of target and source sequences, as well as different volumes and different tips and liquids which should be used.

It is not convenient to use a work list, due to the various choices the user can make.

They easiest solution me and my colleagues have come up with is the following:

  • GUI where there user decides wheather they want to pipette 1, 2, 3 or 4, a combination of those or all of those, as well as the tips (300 uL or 50 uL).

  • Each number (method) has a certain set of tubes (e.g. STD1, STD2,…), source and targets, but in different tubes in different positions on the deck.

  • But due to efficiency I want the user to choose (e.g. 1&2, 2, 1&2&3, etc) and then load the choice and execute the method at once, given the fact that source-1, source-2, source-3 and source-4 can be executed simultaneously.

Quite vague question, but I am just on the look for a quite variable method, so if anyone has some experience in how this is done efficient - let me and the community know! :slight_smile:

Hi there,
difficult to give more specific advice here BUT what I would do:

  1. In your deck layout define the sequence with the maximum number of positions
  2. Pass this sequence to your smt along with the selected parameters
  3. Perform the sequence modifications within the smt and then a) return it to be most flexible or b) directly perform the work that has to be done if this is all the method has to do.


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