PLR Carrier z-Height Issue

In the example above:
…the thickness of container/well base is
15.5 mm (height plate top to bottom)
. - (15.1 mm [top of well to bottom of well] - 0.6 mm [elevation of well above plate top] =) 14.5
= 1.0 mm (distance of bottom of well to bottom of plate)
. - 0.5 mm (dz → distance of container/well shell bottom to plate bottom)
= 0.5 mm

Yep… a simple well is actually that complex :sweat_smile:

No, if the dz is indeed above 5.15mm then the plate wall simple sits on the middle level, making that level become the new z origin.
(Maybe I misunderstood the question tbh)

Interesting, I haven’t seen these carriers yet.

For the sake of unambiguity, should we call the last layer “step” of the skirt, the 5.15mm, in my example, the final_skirt_step which is the compared to the plate’s dz?
→ Different plates can have different dz and different plate sites can have different final_skirt_steps?

Are you sure? Users having to perform the calculation I showed above to find the correct position is quite a lot to ask.
Can we not integrate the thickness of container base into resource definitions just like in VENUS-based container definitions?

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