PLR Carrier z-Height Issue

@fderop I could not find anymore where we discussed this but I looked more into the 6-well plate issues (also a type of z-height issues, hence relevant to this thread) with the lid placement.

You were correct that 6-well plates actually do not place the lid surface onto the plate surface directly but instead have a small gap between the two, like…

…this digital twin I made shows the small gap between the lid and the plate.


It seems like the 4 corners of the plate actually have little pillars that the plate sits on top of.


My best guess is that this is to ensure gas exchange for cell culture.

Meaning for nesting_z_height

If found that the only thing that needs to be done is to more precisely define what is meant by nesting_z_height:

Initially we thought it would be the distance between the bottom and the top of the lid_skirt (easy to measure) but then we have issues with the lid being placed lower that it is supposed to, creating z-drive errors.

Simply redefining nesting_z_height to mean the z-overlap between Lid and Plate solves this issue.
The value for nesting_z_height therefore needs to be slightly smaller than the lid_skirt_z_height and has to be empirically evaluated

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Awesome digital representation, yes, this is what I meant! Thanks Camillo

Simply redefining nesting_z_height to mean the z-overlap between Lid and Plate solves this issue.

We could also make it empirical and do added_z_height_when_nesting and measure before and after lid addition