Can anybody help me with how to install power steps on the starlet?
Can anybody help me with how to install power steps on the starlet?
I have uploaded the Power Steps rev C installer here. This is compatible with VENUS four. Also included are fixes for libraries if the installer is used for VENUS three or two.
VENUS 5 and 6 have Power Steps included by default. Given the updates and added functionality, I would recommend considering an upgrade to VENUS 6 to get the best performance.
Last week, one of our Robotics Software Trainers, Dr. Corrie Spoon Edwards, hosted a webinar on Power Steps. You can check out the recording using the link below!
I tuned into the webinar and I enjoyed it. Is venus 6 compatible with 2021 Starlet? How do I get/purchase an upgrade?
Yes, VENUS 6 is compatible with both the new and older STARline instruments. For upgrades, please reach out to your local sales and support teams. If you need any assistance in getting in touch with them, please send me a message!
Depending on your system configuration if you have file checksum and validation enabled, the installation of power steps on a Venus 4 system will actually cause more issues than it’s worth in my opinion. For example, change the system from simulation to not simulation invalidated some ini files and broke the install if I had ran the powersteps installer post venus 4 install.
I highly recommend going with a version of Venus that already has powersteps integrated into it instead of adding them to venus 4.