Prep software update (3.1.0) is live!

Hey everyone,
FYI the new software update for the Prep has dropped, and adds some cool features/functionality. Details and instructions at this link:


Hi Michael, do you have a list of version updates/history from 1.0 to 3.1?


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Hi @Sean_M,

The Prep has come a long way since version 1.0 with 3.2.0 now being the latest release (released at the end of July). The 3.2.0 release adds support for the new Prep CAP HEPA/UV system, support for field verifications, adds drag and drop re-ordering of procotol steps, overhauls the contextual help system, and adds the first of some future visual polish changes.

There have been hundreds of other features and improvements that have been made since 1.0.12 (the initial release). While the change file is not currently posted on the Hamilton Prep landing page, the Lab Solutions Product Support group can quickly answer any specific changes you might have about changes from the past.

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