PyHamilton script error (0x23 - 0x2 - 0x35)

Hi all, having some trouble running the initial simulated file here


From the recent trace output on venus when recalling STAR_OEM_noFan.hsl method the following errors occurs (there are more in the trace output but all relating to the Hamilton_SerialInterface).

  • 2024-12-10 13:54:01> SYSTEM : Execute method - error; An error occurred while running Vector. The error description is: C:\Program Files (x86)\HAMILTON\Library\Hamilton pH Module\Hamilton pH Module.hsl(131) : failed to lookup identifier ‘Hamilton_SerialInterface::MAXIMUM_MODULEID’ in the symbol table (0x23 - 0x1 - 0x3) ,
  • 2024-12-10 13:54:01> SYSTEM : Execute method - error; An error occurred while running Vector. The error description is: C:\Program Files (x86)\HAMILTON\Library\Hamilton pH Module\Hamilton pH Module.hsl(190) : failed to lookup identifier ‘Hamilton_SerialInterface::MAXIMUM_MODULEID’ in the symbol table (0x23 - 0x1 - 0x3) ,
  • 2024-12-10 13:54:01> SYSTEM : Execute method - error; An error occurred while running Vector. The error description is: C:\Program Files (x86)\HAMILTON\Library\Hamilton pH Module\Hamilton pH Station Washer Module.hsl(76) : failed to lookup identifier ‘Hamilton_SerialInterface::MAXIMUM_MODULEID’ in the symbol table (0x23 - 0x1 - 0x3)

Anyone have the same problem or know how to troubleshoot?

The full trace

When you ran pyhamilton-configure, were there any errors? Since the errors are all from the pH installer, try running that again directly and sending back any errors that occur. The installers are all in pyhamilton/bin

No error in installing. Although one of the installers gave a warming to make sure to select the library directory instead of the Hamilton directory, not sure if this is related

The current installers adds the HSLJson files in the Hamilton folder as seen here:


but seems like there is another HSLJson folder in the library folder as well

Is there an option to change the install directory of the pH module? It seems like the method is looking for it in a specific place but can’t find it there. Maybe you can check where things are actually installed vs where it thinks they are installed.

Is there way to use pyhamilton without the pH module?

Yeah you can just delete those references from the universal method (