I’m searching for a way to rename the labware on deck during runtime in Venus 6. Can it be done?
We have a dynamic assay with a variable number of input plates with cells that are being split into a variable number of output plates. To be able to make a dynamic loading dialog we would like to rename the plates (labware) on deck to either input or output plates according to what the user selects
Hi @mattiasAnocca ,
Labware Property Query has a function that allows this called ADJUST_ChangeLabwareId. Labware names using this technique are no longer constrained by the characters (start with number, include characters like - or space), but the labware name does have to be unique to the deck.
SEQ_GetDefaultSequence can be used or you can build your own sequence afterwards.
NOTE: Any sequence that referenced the old labware will no longer be valid as the labware no longer exists on the deck.
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