Replacement O-Rings

How do I buy replacement o-rings for my Hamilton 1mL channels?

Hi Stefan, I think this is not intended. However, for the ML Prep there are exchange kits available for the stop discs and the O-Rings. “6603039-02 Preventative maintenance kit, 8 stop discs” This could work for the Star-Line as well. The stop discs are fixed with Loctite, so they require some torque, but of course no lateral force should be applied to the channels.

If you’re on CORE II you won’t need to change stop disks, only o-rings. (And they are different o-rings than the CORE I rings)

I can’t speak to the larger instruments specifically, since I only specialize on the PREP, but my guess is that the service team would take care of the o-rings for you on the PM calls.

Confirm with your local team of course, since like I said, I’m not speaking from a position of authority/knowledge on this one.

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Sweet, thanks!

I guess it seems like such a small replacement that I’d prefer to do it myself in some cases than wait a day for a service tech. Is this even possible/ recommended for CORE II?

With the previous caveat of “I don’t work with the big systems, so take it with a grain of salt”, I’d be a little surprised if you couldn’t just switch it yourself, since PREP customers do. I’d ping your local service person or ACE and check with them–they can get you the part # you need as well to make sure you’re getting the optimal part # for your system (the one Florian shared was put together specifically for the PREP to match it’s channel configurations.)

CORE II o-rings get changed a lot less frequently than CORE I o-rings. On PREP, CORE I was rated for replacement every 20k squeeze cycles. CORE II on PREP is 40k squeezes, which is really nice.

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we change them all the time. u can reach out to sales rep and they can provide you with a quote. u can replace them using any tourque screw driver.

CORE 1 and CORE 2 o-rings can be field replaced by the user. Typically on the STAR and Nimbus platforms an FSE still does CORE 1 replacements, but it’s doable by someone with experience.

(To avoid confusion, because I did have someone message me about my previous comment:

I’d be a little surprised if you couldn’t just switch it yourself, since PREP customers do

Is referring to changing O-rings, NOT upgrading from Core I to Core II. That is not something done by end users, haha)


Sweet thanks!

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