Resetting file and function dependencies?

Not sure if my tagline catches my meaning, but I am struggling with an issue when I would like to take a working protocol, let’s say a basic normalisation protocol, as a basis for building a new protocol.

Just by changing the input file it seems that the protocol gets broken, I think there are some dependencies between files and functions (or something else) that stay in place in the background? Because if it was not so, then it should not make a difference for the functionality of the script which actual file it is that I call “file1”?

Hi @NFred,

In order to assist, we will require more specific information regarding what is broken in your method by changing the input file. Other than the ‘schema.ini’ file that gets generated for Structured Text Files, there aren’t any background dependencies between files and VENUS functions. All information pertaining to the file being input and how it is processed is method/run-specific.

Thank you,