Rotate irregular shape around a point

Hey everyone! I’m considering starting a pretty complex project where I have a robotic arm rotating an irregular shape given by a DXF file around a point in space. This will be used to rotate fabric in synchronization with a sewing machine.

Consider watching the movie above, of someone else doing what I want to achieve.

The idea and concept will be tested in Unity to later be applied to actual hardware. My question is, how do I treat this problem, i.e., generating a “path for the robot arm” based on the DXF file and position of the sewing machine? The speed of the motion will be given by an encoder mounted on the handwheel of the sewing machine. Ideas, formulas, and concepts are all to help. Thank you!

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Are you familiar with inverse kinematics?

How often are your manipulating the DXF file/fabric? If this is a one shot deal or once a year modification, there’s a lot of work being done right now with AI to train positions/movement.

You “teach” the robot to perform a task and then it emulates the action or learns to perform the emulated action.

I’m very aware of the concepts behind inverse Kinematics but that’s not the problem I’m encountering. The problem is what the actual path that the robotic arm should follow is. It must move in the 2d space based on the shape of the object and rotate around the point, in my case the needle. Then I can use inverse Kinematics to follow this path.

Sure, great idea. But this has to be very reliable and I don’t believe AI is needed in my case. I need mm precision and training a supervised model instead of generating a path that the arm follows seems to be a pain imo. The software should also be able to change the def file anytime. Thank you

Would the path be any different from the outline of the shape? That seems to be the case if the object you are tracing out does not get rotated eg you allow only XY translations of the robot arm.

Even if the object does get rotated I think this still holds if you also apply the rotation to the portion of the path you have not yet traced out. Maybe the constraint around deciding if and when you need to rotate your object might be the hard part?

I wrote a project to simulate the robot arm and lab automation, and I think it is possible for this function in real robot or virtual 3D environment. You have to solve two problems, which I think can be achieve with script or code

  • calculate the outline or path of shape (DXF or camera)
  • calculate all movement detail of robot arm by inverse kinematics.