1000 µL (non-sterile CO-RE, without filter) tips are transferred to tip adapter in order to utilize H12 cLLD for the Head. Pipette step set High cLLD sensitivity (0 Aspiration mode).
Tips only needed to make one transfer (800 uL to 9 wells), row container had 17 mL.
This method/step ran on multiple different units, numerous times where this did not happen but randomly tips were unable to detect any liquid & kept reaching down to the point where it was pressing aggressively down on the container & carrier to the point where the tips were bent.
Container Info:
Axygen High Profile 8-Channel Trough Reservoir: Capacity 240 mL (30 mL/trough or row), Dead volume 2.5-3 mL.
PLT_CAR_L5TAB_DWP, precision tab plate carrier
2 mL Nunc 96 Deep Well Plate
Row had plenty of volume needed but either way, why did the cLLD not work suddenly? Why would it keep going down?
I’ve tested it before with less volume where it worked yet confusing.
I have to now explain/justify this & prove that it won’t happen again. The only solution I have is to add more volume than originally required (20 mL) but still don’t understand what happened nor why, please help!
I’ve contacted your local support team to assist with your investigation. Based on the information provided, the root cause of the issue is not clear to me. We’ll work with them to help resolve it.
Definitely let us know what the problem was. I saw something similar in two different cases:
Tips were loaded in the incorrect spot, the MPH head cannot decern the difference between tip types like the 1mL channels can and this can lead to the Y direction being off.
Labware definitions were incorrect — Especially for reagent reservoirs I’ve had some difficulty with some definitions not being exactly right. if you are going to bottom aspirate and the definition is off by a few mm this can happen.
You can test the latter by “re-teaching” the labware to check the labware bottom height is correct using the metal teaching needles.
I hope you found the resolution to your issue and you’re in good hands with the service team!