I’m considering using a large (6L) SpinVessel to keep some cells in suspension during a cryobanking procedure.
V&P pointed me to a great SLAS Technology paper they published. But it’s lacking data on the 6L vessel, and on cells in the 2-3 million/mL density range (they topped out at 750k/mL).
I’ve used the 50 mL vessels before, but not for cells.
Anyone have experience using the SpinVessels with Mammalian cells at higher densities? And/or the 6L SpinVessel? Or have alternatives to consider for keeping a cell solution of 1.5-3L well mixed?
There’s a 6L SpinVessel just out of frame in my profile pic!
We were using it to keep mammalian cells in suspension during an automated flask filling procedure at roughly the density you mentioned. Cells were transferred into the vessel once we were at target density, so I couldn’t speak to how long they’d be happy in that container, but I don’t recall ever seeing any issues with flasks that got seeded ~2-3 hours into filling, so they can hang out in the vessel at room temp for a least a little while.
The instrument itself seemed solid and it was able to do its job of keeping cells in suspension effectively. Our flask densities were always at a pretty even distribution, I don’t recall any significant trends in density/growth for flasks seeded at the beginning or end of the filling process.
My only real complaint is that the vessel itself is pretty unwieldy, and was a pain to transport when it was full since it’s very heavy and very easy to slosh.
Let me know if you’ve got any other questions. It was a few years ago but happy to share whatever I can remember!
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Thanks! That’s great to hear!