Timestamp from step return?


Is there any way of getting the timestamp of a single step from a bound step return?

I don’t think I’d be able to use any of these:


Dumb question but can you trace out the command and use the timestamp from the trace? Beyond that I can look into more HSL centric ways…

I guess so, but I’d rather not to have to do that as I’d be worried about reading during writing etc. If there was a HSL way that would be much better.

I think there is no information of timestamp in step return, so you can not get any timestamp from step return, but you can use current time as timestamp.

Can you give more information around what you’re trying to do with the time stamp? Is this to track time for a process step live? Or is it for audit purposes after a run? Having a better understanding here will help me give you more advice on how to approach that.

Yeap thats correct. The default mechanism is to use trace out for time stamp / step log in trc file to capture the time event. But there are tricks that could be employed to achieve the necessary result…

More like an audit at the end of the run - at the moment we log whether an aspirate/dispense occurred with any errors, and what the recoveries were, by using the information bound from the return from single steps, and of course I could trace out timestamps and do a seemingly convoluted read/parse loop. But really thats the tracestamp of the trace, not the aspirate/dispense. I could also just get current date etc and pass it in via a step argument, but I was hoping there was a neater way to use the returns/some other way to get exact timing of the aspirate/dispense step. Hope that clarifies my intention!