Tip on Tip Pickup

Hello, we are using a third party vendor tip that is meant to be used as part of a tip on tip pickup, first we pick up Hamilton tip then pickup vendor tip. The vendor provided an example method which has a tip on tip pickup with a length parameter, but having trouble determining if this can be achieved with the standard PyHamilton pickup API or if I need to implement a custom API (as shown in the “Extending the API” documentation). Is there some sort of a tip length param or is that part of the labware definition? Thank you

Looks like this has to be achieved by extending API

I’d be curious how Venus implements it, in general anything Venus can do can be integrated into the API. Very unlikely it’s possible out of the box in PyHamilton however. If you want to post the library I can take a closer look.

We’re exploring alternates at the moment but may revisit this