Tip throw off count


I work in a high-throughput lab with many Hamiltons. In an effort to improve maintenance on the Hamiltons I want to integrate checking the tip throw off count into the monthly PM so that our service technician can be alerted to change the stop disks and O-rings.

I know this can be checked with the Star service software, but I would like to make a method that checks and generates a dialogue box or trace file with the values so that operators can run it easily along with their weekly maintenance.

Is there a library that allows me to read instruments for checking tip throw off counts?

Thank you

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Just to add on. If you are able to get a tip throw off count and do an evaluation, count>X then send an email to internal service technician/group email. Bonus points if you have jira setup to listen in on the email and generate a jira ticket automatically.

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The P#RV command, where # is the channel number will return a string with counts for pick-ups, ejects, aspirations, and dispenses. You’ll just need to parse out the numbers from the string.

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Hello @TechsupportCLS,

I put together a sub-method library (SMT) that will allow input of a pipetting device and channel number then returns its cycle counters for Tip Pick Up, Tip Eject, Aspirate, and Dispense. The package file can be downloaded at this link. The package file will import a demo method called “Get Pipette Cycles Demo.med” to the “HAMILTON\Methods\Library Demo Methods” folder, and the SMT “Pipette Cycles.smt” to the “HAMILTON\Library\STAR Tools\Resources\SubMethods” folder. It is designed to detect the instrument type (VANTAGE vs. STARline) and adjust accordingly. Note that in simulation mode it will return default values of “100” for all counters. See the “GetPipetteCycles” function description for more information on the required parameters:

Thank you,


Oh wow. Thank you so much! I have been reading through libraries trying to get something working. I’m going to learn so much from this!

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Do you know where I could find the library file HSLSchedCCLib.hs_ ?

I have installed most of the libraries from the repository here, and I have not come across this file.

You can remove it - it tags along when you export a method and have scheduler software installed.

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Thank you!

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Apologies for the extraneous library. I’ve updated the package file at the same link to no longer include the scheduler library.

Thank you,