Understanding "placement" in carrier editing

Hi there, Im having some troubles with the RGA not transfering correctly in to my platereader “nest” I tried using the “transfer” way, where you place the RGA at the spot and then press transfer to locate the place on the worktable, however this is not working. Then i tried changing the X, Y and Z numbers but the errors i get does not at up at all. It is just saying “RGA out of range” no matter how i change it.
Do you know how it is functioning or is it just pure guess work?

By the way, my fluentcontrol software is 2.5

Hope you can help me

probably misunderstood the “transfer” method, i will let you know on thursday if i succed :slight_smile: :grimacing:

Pressing the Transfer button automatically takes the values that match the current arm position on the instrument. There is a description for this device integration procedure here:

How to integrate non-grid-based devices in FluentControl™ (tecan.com)

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Thank you so much, i also saw that link right after I asked the question :sweat_smile:
I will see if it works