Venus 4.5 vector error

Has anyone seen this error in Venus 4.5.

This message was followed by an error saying

“An error occurred while initializing the system 3D visualization the vector software is automatically switching to 2D view mode.”

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Venus (from two different install files). It does not fix the problem.

Thank you

Hi @hari386,

I am not familiar with the specific error in the image, but typically when a “class not registered” error occurs, it’s due to an incomplete install. This could be due a corrupt installer, user permissions, IT security settings, antivirus, or any other software that might block writing to the registry. This is often solved by installing on a computer using a local administrator account.

As for the second error you’re receiving, this occurs when either DirectX crashes for one reason or another, or the available virtual memory for graphics is overloaded. In these cases, VENUS will automatically switch from the 3D view to 2D view. This can typically be resolved by restarting the computer to clear out the virtual memory usage, but if that is not sufficient, then reinstall of the DirectX software may be required.

Thank you,


Hi @DanHartman_Hamilton,

Thanks for the response, this specific error was coming up when I was trying to set up a new Laptop with Win 11 (tried it on two different laptops with Win 11). I tried a installing from a few different install files to no avail. We even tried installing it in compatibility mode but it didn’t solve our problem.
I reverted to another Laptop with Win 10 and Venus works flawless, without any issues.
Thank you for the support,