Venus 4 Firmware Error Leading to Method Abort

Hello! A co worker encountered this firmware error while running a script that is present on several of our instruments and has been for a long time. It is run often and without issue.

The error happened immediately after picking a plate up for a barcode scan. It lifted the plate with the Core grippers, then the step was ‘Canceled’ in WalkAway mode. I checked the error settings for the step and ‘Cancel’ is only set as an automatic response for Hardware errors and ‘Other errors’ at this step.

Could someone please help identify exactly what this error code is for? Usually if a software error is encountered here a user did something to trigger it accidentally, but nothing in the trace file has stood out as being notable beyond this below firmware error. This exact script was run on the same instrument on 10/25 without issue.

Firmware version of CO-RE 96 Head: 5.0S j 2022-09-21 (H0 XE167)

2024-10-29 08:15:19> Microlab® STAR : Firmware Command (Single Step) - start;
2024-10-29 08:15:19> Microlab® STAR : Main - error; An error occurred while running Vector. The error description is: Step aborted. The method should be restarted. (0x28 - 0x1 - 0x804)
2024-10-29 08:15:19> Microlab® STAR : Main - error; An error occurred while running Vector. The error description is: Step aborted. The method should be restarted. (0x28 - 0x1 - 0x804)
2024-10-29 08:15:19> Microlab® STAR : Firmware Command (Single Step) - complete with error; An error occurred while running Vector. The error description is: Step aborted. The method should be restarted. (0x28 - 0x1 - 0x804) > 1[01,10,00,1,:
2024-10-29 08:15:19> SYSTEM : Execute method - error; An error occurred while running Vector. The error description is: C:\Program Files (x86)\HAMILTON\Library\STAR Tools\STAR MPH96 Tools.smt(917, 1) : type mismatch (0x23 - 0x1 - 0x14)

Thank you!

It looks like in your STAR Tools you have provided a wrong variable, it expects a string/integer/float and something else has been provided. Could you trace your input and share here?

This is the part of the script that the error happened at, the grippers lifted the plate and the error happened immediately thereafter. I understand that type mismatch indicates an incorrect input type but I am unsure of what input is flagging as incorrect. Within the STAR MPH96 Tools.smt line 917 (firmware command) is within the Get_TipPresence submethod as screenshot below, which seemed to indicate that maybe an error was made during tip select, but the co worker insists that the tips were selected as currently present on deck which is that all of the Core 96 head wafers are full. The submethod that was being run while this abort happened doesn’t use the Core 96 head for aspirations/dispesne so no tip pickups are made by it.

2024-10-29 08:11:03> Microlab® STAR : 1000ul Channel CO-RE Grip Get Plate (Single Step) - start;
2024-10-29 08:11:13> Microlab® STAR : 1000ul Channel CO-RE Grip Get Plate (Single Step) - complete; > Plate_CPAC1:
2024-10-29 08:11:13> Microlab® STAR : 1000ul Channel CO-RE Grip Read Barcode (Single Step) - start;
2024-10-29 08:11:15> Microlab® STAR : 1000ul Channel CO-RE Grip Read Barcode (Single Step) - progress; Start error handling in walkaway mode (no dialog).
2024-10-29 08:11:15> Microlab® STAR : 1000ul Channel CO-RE Grip Read Barcode (Single Step) - error; > position: 34, E:P7:03/00:Cancel,
2024-10-29 08:11:15> Microlab® STAR : Main - error; An error occurred while running Vector. The error description is: Step canceled. User-defined error handling will be used. ([P7: Main, Command not completed.] [P8: Main, Command not completed.] [I0: X drive, Step lost on auto load X drive.]) (0x28 - 0x1 - 0x80a)
2024-10-29 08:11:15> Microlab® STAR : 1000ul Channel CO-RE Grip Read Barcode (Single Step) - progress; Error automatically recovered depending of custom error configuration (Walk-Away).
2024-10-29 08:11:15> Microlab® STAR : 1000ul Channel CO-RE Grip Read Barcode (Single Step) - complete with error; An error occurred while running Vector. The error description is: Step canceled. User-defined error handling will be used. ([P7: Main, Command not completed.] [P8: Main, Command not completed.] [I0: X drive, Step lost on auto load X drive.]) (0x28 - 0x1 - 0x80a) > Barcode read:
2024-10-29 08:11:15> SYSTEM : Method has been aborted by the system - complete;

Personally I think the last error is just a result of some data not being provided because of the primary error.

The error I see here is that P7 and P8 had a “command not executed” command on the barcode read, which leads me that it was halted before that. How are your gripper settings? Perhaps - far fetched - the plate is gripped with wrong parameters (either too loose or tight) and the system detected that there is no plate gripped. Leading to your error in the reading, which leads to the MPH error which is unrelated.

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The second trace shows the x-drive was blocked on the Autoload during the plate read function so those commands could not be completed. Perhaps a carrier was pulled out that the Autoload ran into or it was blocked in some other way (tips or other material under the Autoload conveyer belt). I recommend inspecting the Autoload area then reinitialize the system and run the Autoload back and forth to make sure there are no obstructions.


I forgot to reply that that is exactly what happened! I wanted to confirm that there wasn’t anything else to be concerned about. Thank you.

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